Polly 'n Esther
Some of you may have heard me talk about the “big green monster” or saw it when you stopped by. It was a quilt top saved from an estate sale in Arkansas for $5. A California king sized quilt top! This is why we bought this model long arm, it can easily handle a top this big.
Though the pattern was a simple design, there’s no denying it took many hours to make. It is estimated the lady was in her 90’s when she died and looking at the fabric, she probably made in the 60's or 70's.
A lot of polyester jumpsuits & leisure suits gave their life for this quilt top!
The quilt was so colourful & when Jon said he was thinking a grass green binding to set off the cornerstones, we wholeheartedly agreed. A white cotton back was done to show off the quilt pattern done in a green thread.
This quilt so heavy, we had to use additional clips to hang from the bar.
Given this weight, there is no doubt it will be a warm quilt! Another customer was in while it was on display & said her grandma had made her one & she only used when it was REALLY cold. Given our Easter had snow & sleet, we wonder if Jon was under this quilt yesterday!
Below you see we had to use extra clips to weigh the end as we finished the last row. Crazy the weight of this quilt top!
Have you figured out the reason for the journal title? When I told a friend I regretted not weighing the quilt before it went home, she said, “Ahh, the evil twins Polly ‘n Esther! (polyester), heavy..." The name stuck with me, but more than anything, the fact Jon saved this quilt will stick with us for a long time. Thanks, Jon, for finding us on Google & letting us quilt this treasure! We hope you enjoy it for years to come!