Next Gen
The next generation is always the rage, whether it’s computers, phones, or cars, so why should quilting be any different? The fifth generation to quilt in our family has arrived!
My niece, Heather, has started quilting by finding a pattern online and diving in. No lessons, no classes, just trying it! I love that! The first one she made was for her son. We often show the quilt when finished, but the photo below shows both the top as received and the finished product. A quilt top really gets an added dimension once the quilting is finished. She had many options for binding and went with red (shown on right below).
Because the pattern of the fabric and the quilt top was fun, we used a pattern that would give interest, provide sufficient stitching, but not take away from the top. We used white thread for the same reason. Below is a close up of the quilt.
The other quilt we featured at Christmas time, “Nightmare Before Christmas”. This one was for son’s girlfriend and she loved it. It was a fun one to quilt as well. The sound track played during the stitching of it and I'm sure that made all the difference. ;-) A collage of it is pictured below.
She has several more in work and we’re anxious to finish them for her, but she can’t be bothered to sew at the moment, it’s her birthday!!
Happy Birthday and happy sewing!!!!