TGQ Year in Review
The end of a year is always a time for reflection and gratitude, here’s what we found from looking at our first 167 days . . .
"Oh it's happening sweetheart!!!"
We finished 60 quilts, which averaged a quilt every 2.78 days, and required 2,294,035 stitches, 195 bobbins of thread, and 207,360 square inches of our batting. 11 original TGQ designs graced some of these quilts for 31 different recipients from 5 different states. Below is one of the original designs.
Beth's family crest replicated on her quilt.
Our favourite nickname we were christened with? Hands down, it has to be “The Old Dusty Loom”. (Thanks, Jayne!)
The Old Dusty Loom back in July. Just a baby......
Our proudest moments?
1) Our number of recordable injuries – Zero!
2) Our number of paid employees – Zero!!
3) Our number of bad days at work – Zero!!!
Even though this first year was a short year, we managed to have community involvement. We sponsored the petting zoo for St James the Greater School Homecoming and offered a reduced rate for quilters giving charity quilts, but our most meaningful opportunities were two NICU quilts - Ollie & Josie! How special to know our work is there loving them along as they grow. The 60th quilt was a pediatric prayer quilt for a two-year-old, Avery, down in Texas. She had a brain mass removed on 28 December and we felt a perfect way to end our year was to take the time to sew love and prayers into a quilt that will hopefully comfort her. Anyone reading this, please say a prayer her pathology comes back with good news next week!
In closing, thank you to ALL of you who have brought us quilts to finish, shared our posts, followed our journal entries, stopped by, suggested friends give us a try or offered a vote of confidence as we began this journey. This year was so much more than we could have ever dreamed of!!!
Here’s hoping for another banner year!
Stay quilting my friends!!!