If You Quilt It, They Will Come
It's been four years since the ol’ dusty loom was assembled and began cranking out quilts. Most everyone recognizes the famous line “If you build it, he will come” from the movie “Field of Dreams”. It’s often mis-quoted as “If you build it, they will come” and we’re now adapting it to “If you quilt it, they will come”.
What a tasty cake this was for our Grand Opening, but the burning question is “Whose toes in the photo??”
The byline for “Field of Dreams” reads: “Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella is inspired by a voice he can't ignore to pursue a dream he can hardly believe. Supported by his wife, Ray begins the quest by turning his ordinary cornfield into a place where dreams can come true.” Our story would read a little differently, but the message is the same. Dreams have come true in the 400 square foot space that is The Gentleman Quilter World Headquarters. With over 200 customers brining us their work, we have helped bring their vision come to life too.
Top photo: the guys looking for their quilts.
Bottom photo: Nine states and one country have been delivered to since last year and graphic will be updated soon. Stay tuned!! (Forgive the cropped map!)
What are some examples of why we find this so rewarding? In some instances, it has been the clothes of a loved one they have made into blocks, other times it is a quilt for a new grandchild, one favourite was a nine-year-old who pieced her first quilt top, and there are cases where someone found a quilt top in a closet or drawer and decided to have it finished. Some have funny stories to go with the top and some have a few cuss words because the pattern was a fight to figure out. There have been tears for many reasons, probably one of the most touching is when the quilt was made from some special clothes of a loved one and now it has a new life as a quilt. It is what makes our small piece of their project so rewarding to us.
It has also been important to us to keep a community focus as well. It is our quilt community who supports us and it’s important for us to support our larger community. While we can’t do everything, each year we try to do something to help a charity. It has ranged from a donation for an auction, making masks (hundreds of masks!), underwriting a sponsorship, or providing quilting services for a veteran’s quilt project. A small way for us to pay forward the blessings bestowed on us.
In 2020, focus was keeping all in our community safe . . .it still is!!!
What have been some of the highlights? For sure the wonderful people we have met, quilters are just the best people. How often have I posted about a surprise gift from someone? Getting a front row seat to see all the beautiful creations is another perk. I’ve gotten quite a few new patterns from seeing something come in. Facing the pandemic challenge and finding a way to keep ourselves and customers safe was something we hadn’t anticipated, but proud we were able to do so. Where all we have delivered to continues to blow us away! Four countries and 37 states. Wow! And maybe the best? When I was buying something and had on my TGQ sweatshirt and was asked, “Do you work there? I’ve heard good things.” Wow! It felt like we made “front page”. So, each day we quilt, we view it as Day 1, Customer 1. This work is like any other, we can’t rest on your laurels.
All 755 quilts we’ve quilted on this reel!
So with that I’ll close with a sincere thank you to all who have tried us and trust us with their treasures. We look forward to quilting for a long time and hope you will stay with us for the ride!